Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Basketball Conditioning

Sooo.... I had basketball conditoning yesterday for the highschool tryouts and now i can barely even move. I am so so so sore! We lifted weights for about thirty minutes, then the coaches lined up these really high stool things and we had to jump up on them and land with both feet then jump back down thirty times, then we did an ab work out, then we went outside and ran around the whole schoool complex. I was the sixth to finish out of about thirty people, which is pretty good. But i was soooo tired! So now im just trying not to move that much, cause im so sore!


  1. Hey Al! Yea.... you have a new post! Geez... conditioning sounds really rough! I don't think I could do it! More power to ya honey! I hope it goes well! Love you and miss you!!

  2. Wow!!! I don't think I've ever exercised that much in my WHOLE life! lol! I'm proud of my little Ali! Way to update your blog..I love it!
